The Release of PASRS 5.2
UPDATE 9-23-24:
PASRS 5.2 Release! Good morning, all! PASRS 5.2 is ready to go. Lots of little things in this one that I hope will be useful to you! Let's take a look!
PASRS has nine tabs of data (almost 30 if you count hidden ones), so it's easy to get lost. A few changes here are meant to make PASRS easier to use and harder to mess up using...
Firstly, just about everything you aren't supposed to touch now comes with a warning. If you try to change a cell (or reveal a sheet you aren't to), you'll see this: Note that you're still allowed to do whatever you want with your PASRS copy. This is just a guiderail.
Next, I've added links to the Replay Entries Tab. Now you can jump most anywhere else from the header here:
The link for PASRS 5.2 (and every version after) will be a COPY link. The master copy is view-only and users are meant to make their own copy to apply edits and add replays. Now instead of doing this manually, the link will DIRECTLY ask you to copy to your own drive.
Lastly on the "ease of use" changes - meaningful error messages! If you've ever fallen victim to mixed up Ws and Ls in PASRS you know that the solution is counterintuitive. No more!
Errors will show up on the Replay Entries tab and the Home Tab according to a few predefined errors. If you have duplicate links, invalid links, or a botched Showdown Username; these things will show up to warn you:
The other day, I got asked "how much" PASRS is. PASRS is (and always will be) completely free. Some of you have shown extra support through my Ko-Fi, which I appreciate SO MUCH. If you'd like to show extra love to the project, you can donate here!
Not done yet! This next fix goes out to the legendary @JoeUX9, who informed me that Ditto support is perhaps NOT as long-winded as I originally thought! Ditto is now (almost) fully supported! Your Ditto sheets should all work EXCEPT move usage.
Almost done, I swear. As is usual with these fixes, there are a few edge cases involving goofy characters in names, teams, pastes, etc. I've corrected a few more of these items and a few formulas. Big shoutouts to Discord user Bagelnut, who found an issue that I NEVER would have PASRS 5.2 now includes the EV Training Guide Tab!! If your Homepage paste includes EVs, simply go over to this tab to get a manual training plan for your entire team! No math required! This is an ALPHA feature - I brought it in from its own project after a year of inactivity.
That's it for 5.2. Please stay tuned for some 6.0 vision casting later today. Here's the link. GL;HF!!
PASRS 6.0 Roadmap While developing 5.2, there were a handful of things I would have liked to include, but were too large to do in a timely manner. I wanted to prioritize the usability changes of PASRS in 5.2 and then set aside more key items for 6.0. Here's a few thoughts...
Firstly, the Matchup Stats tab is getting a huge rework. The idea behind it is good, but I can get hooks into better data for your Matchups. As a basic example, let's say your WR against Kingambit is only 20%. I want you to be able to see supporting data on the same page.Who has your best win chance against Kingambit? Who has the worst? Who is coming to those MUs and who isn't? I want to provide a snapshot of what you're DOING in certain matchups. Not just what your win chances are.
Next, I want to update the filtering a little. In 6.0, you'll have the ability to filter your Game By Game by ELO and by player username. Some people run collaborative PASRS sheets and being able to filter on player name will help those efforts a bit.One thing I was asked and I don'tthink I can do: Being able to read downloaded replays that live on your phone/computer and NOT on the Showdown Database. I'm looking at this, but I don't think it will be viable for two reasons:
1) It requires PASRS to access data on YOUR device and not just the Internet. I will do my best to do right by my users, but I don't feel comfortable crossing this boundary. And I would HATE for anything to happen on accident due to PASRS touching hard drive contents.
2) Even if I could do it from Drive to Drive files, it requires elevated permissions on PASRS that have to be granted and I feel similarly to reason #1 on this. Just wanted to let you know my thoughts on this idea
Zoroark - With its rise in popularity, the demand for Zoroark data gathering is at an all-time high. I could write a giant thread on why this is so hard to do properly, but my promise is that I will have a DRAFT of this for 6.0.
As I get closer to Zoroark functionality, I WILL need help testing out various scenarios. I want you all to know that this IS on the roadmap and I'm no longer simply saying "it's too hard I'll do it later". It's time to do it.
Related - something I think would be fun for Ditto is to have its move usage chart actually show which Pokémon it's transforming into most often. I don't know how useful our Ditto trainers would find this but I think it'd be a fun use of the move chart for it.
Finally, I want to get some more polish on the EV Training Chart, and the Paste Reading function in general. Right now, PASRS invokes TWO different functions for reading pastes.
Not only is this less performant and worse design, but neither method uses the "right" way to read a paste, which is JSON. In my (weak) defense, I had no idea pastes were backed by JSON until earlier this year.
I'm going to update PASRS to read a paste's JSON. It will make the code much cleaner and easier to update. It will also make PASRS more stable and (a little) faster.
Finally, I want to point something out. Every PASRS feature was written by my hand. Every PASRS IDEA was inspired by users like YOU. Every single one. Even ideas that were "mine" were inspired and improved by your feedback. So my request of you is, ALWAYS ask me about your ideas
Even ideas that don't get into PASRS can (and do) inform ideas that do. A silly thought can be the spark for a new feature. Maybe asking for the moon gives us the backbone for a genius idea. Please never feel shy sharing your suggestions. You can always always share with me
I hope this 6.0 Roadmap is exciting, useful, and that you were glad to read it. I hope you're enjoying 5.2!! As always, GL;HF!
UPDATE 8-12-24:
PASRS 5.1 Release There's only one change, but I have a few other things to explain while I'm here!
Firstly, I apologize greatly for the delay on this. For those following, I said this would be in play WEEKS ago and didn't deliver. My toxic trait is that I forecast my dates based on what I THINK I can do instead of just saying "okay it's ready now" like a normal person.
I can't apologize enough, but I WILL be giving better delivery dates to you all in the future. PASRS 5.1 supports up to 500 games. No other changes or bug fixes. I did this to prioritize the number one thing people have been asking for and to get that done before Worlds.
Big shoutouts to @PengyTwitch ,who reminded me just how close we are to the big event without being rude or mean about it. My season (purposefully) ended in December, so this snuck up on me big time!
Before I give the link, I want to caution you to be careful if you're dumping a bunch of replays at once. I think I soft-locked myself out of showdown by having my formulas hit the replays so many times in quick succession!
Here it is! Good luck at worlds!
Hello, everyone! I’m Joshua Bauer, the creator of PASRS (PALKIA Academy Showdown Reporting Spreadsheet). I’ve been playing Pokémon for the entirety of its existence in the West and began playing VGC during the Sword/Shield era. If you know anything about PASRS, you probably won’t be surprised to find out that I’m a Computer Science major who loves tinkering with data and pushing Excel (or in this case Google Sheets) to new and exciting limits.
I want to briefly introduce PASRS as a tool for those who are hearing about it for the first time, and then I’ll get to the good stuff.
For the uninitiated, PASRS is a Google Sheets document (think Microsoft Excel, but online) that analyzes your replays. You only have to copy the sheet, add your Showdown name, your paste, and whatever replay links you have saved with that team, and PASRS will take care of the rest. Automatically, it will parse out your wins, losses, win rates based on lead, win rates based on Teras, favorable and unfavorable Pokémon matchups, ELO information, OTS vs CTS, how often you’re using particular Pokémon, how often you’re clicking your moves, the works!
Before I get to the flagship feature of 5.0, I should mention that PASRS 5.0 is Regulation G compatible. This also means that if and when we get to a two-restricted format, it should “just work”. Now, onto more exciting changes!
The most impactful update in 5.0 is the number one asked-for feature since Bo3 released as a showdown format. Best-of-3 support is finally here! When you place your replays into PASRS you will now see a “match” view on the Match by Match tab.
Important Note: You still have to upload/save all 3 individual replays. The “best of 3” room link does not save or reference the replays. If are missing replays from your set, you can still review them in the Game By Game tab, but the Match by Match tab may not work correctly with it.
You’ll see that I’ve added the replay links straight into this view, so you won’t have to hop back to the homepage to review the replays. I’ve also added this to the Game by Game tab
In PASRS 5.0, I wanted to see if I could make a few of the tabs a bit more functional. I carried this into the Home tab… kind of
The Home tab now shows the title of your paste, which is great for those of you who keep the same 6 but make minor adjustments between PASRS sheets. Hopefully this is a nice QoL to better tell which version of your team you have on the sheet!
The Home tab now no longer keeps the replays. I’ve added a new tab, titled Replay Entries with the hopes of making a more robust space
The new Replay Entries tab will show the game result and the opposing team for each replay. (Team view credit goes to KNY on Twitter, who gave me the idea). This will automatically serve up some basic information, making it easier to recall key matches.
Our last set of improvements comes from the Matchup Stats tab. I’ve added a new metric called attendance. It seeks to answer the following question:
If my opponent’s six has <<Pokémon>>, how often are my opponents choosing to bring <<Pokémon>> against my team?
A 100% attendance means that every opponent who owns that Pokémon brought it against you. A Pokémon with 0% attendance means that no one chose to bring this Pokémon, even though it was in their team.
My hope is that this will be a good way for PASRS users to understand how their opponents view their team.
I’ve also made some minor adjustments to the Matchup Stats tab. First off, the matchup selection now supports up to 6 Pokémon
The second adjustment comes because of the following comparison.
Let’s say you have Articuno and Calyrex-Shadow on your matchup tab. Articuno defeated you the single game you played against it, but Calyrex has bested you 17 out of 20 times. Your Articuno Win Rate is 0%, while your Calyrex Win Rate is 15%.
My bet is that most readers would look at that and say Calyrex-Shadow is actually the worse matchup. We intuitively understand that percentage can’t be the only factor. The number of games should also make a difference, but how much difference? Knowing where to draw this line led to quite a headache, so I decided on this adjustment.
Pokémon are only included in the Best/Worst Matchups table if you have played against them at least four times. A Pokémon that you’re 2-0 against will not be credited to your favored matchups much like a single defeat from the Articuno in the example above won’t permanently top your “worst” category. The Attendance tables are also obeying this caveat.
PASRS has been such a joy to develop for you all. This project started over two years ago as a personal project to prepare for SLC regionals in Sword/Shield. Seeing how far it’s come and how many people are enjoying it every day is a humbling experience. I’m so grateful for everyone who’s given PASRS a shot to help them be the best trainer they can be.
Now that DevonCorp has freed me from the binds of Twitter and allowed me to ramble even longer than usual…
I give you PASRS 5.0
Scroll up to the top for version 5.2!
Important Note: When you copy PASRS 5.0 to your own drive, you will see the below warning. PASRS formulas use these external sites: Showdown, Pokepaste, Serebii. When you click “Allow Access”, you are trusting PASRS to gather data from these places on your behalf.
If you need to find me, there is an FAQ/Contact Tab in PASRS to help you reach me! I’m always happy to hear your questions, comments, or concerns!
Good luck, have fun, and remember - The data will always tell a story. You only have to be willing to read it.
- Bauerdad
Disclaimer: The opinions/stories expressed in the blog post are those of the author's and not necessarily reflective of the platform or its affiliates.