The Release of PASRS 6.0

Happy Friday, Pokemon players! I’m back again with the long-awaited release of PASRS 6.0! Visually, PASRS 6.0 is not too different, but there are some significant technical changes that I hope users will enjoy!


I thought it would be fun to celebrate Zoroark’s sharp decline in popularity by finally getting it supported on PASRS. Because of how Pokemon Showdown replays are saved, there is absolutely no way to know if Zoroark is on the field until it is revealed. Because of this, there are still some instances where PASRS won’t know that Zoroark was used. For example, if you lead Zoroark and 4-0 your opponent cleanly without the illusion fading, PASRS doesn’t know if it was truly Zoroark or not.

Now some of you clever readers might be thinking, “wait what if the illusion is using moves it doesn’t know?”

Checking this is technically possible, but completely impractical. For games in which Zoroark is present, I would have to cross reference every single attack with that mons legal movepool.

I say all that to say, Zoroark should be working in most cases for usage, leads, and back. Zoroark’s move usage won’t count correctly unless it is revealed when it’s using the move.

Paste Reader

Secondly, something else I promised for 6.0 is done - a new paste reading function. I actually got this from Discord users @Tano and @Tractie, a couple of guys from the German VGC community. While collaborating with them on a different project, I discovered that their function for reading Pokepastes was way better than the one I had written. So I took the opportunity to shamelessly steal it for PASRS (with permission). One of my background goals is to start making PASRS more snappy and stable. This will help tremendously with that.

Next, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of PASRS 6.0

A New Usage Tab!

Prior to 6.0, the usage tab looked like this:

It’s got lots of good data, but it’s a bit crowded (and I probably don’t need that OTS/CTS bit). The new Usage Tab looks like this!

We’ve got all the same information in a more compact, cleaner space. But that’s not even the best part! The Usage Tab will now consider the filters you’re using in Game by Game. For example: let’s say you are constantly getting rocked by Rillaboom. Prior to 6.0 you have two data points to look at:

  1. The Matchup Tab: go check how bad Rillaboom is beating you exactly

  2. The Game By Game Data: go filter your games on “opponent has Rillaboom” and then review the table at a glance.

I’ve been asked by many of you if we can get more specific with this data. Why am I getting clubbed by Rillaboom? Who is my best mon against it? What Tera usages are helping me the most?

I want to show you the new-and-improved Usage Tab again:

This new table ONLY considers your filtered set of games on Game by Game. In PASRS 6.0, if you put some filters on your GxG, you can view leads, winrates, teras and overall usage specific to those conditions. In the case above: I’m specifically looking at my usage stats when Rillaboom was on the other team. Hatterene is my only mon with 100% WR, Torkoal (weirdly) looks like a good lead, and I probably shouldn’t use my Tera on Gallade.

Obviously, you wouldn’t want to make such sweeping judgments based on only three games, but I wanted to illustrate an example!

What’s next for PASRS?

I have two upcoming plans for PASRS:

  1. Add a “Restricted” table for the Matchup Tab (you may remember I did this for the Ruinous Quartet back in Reg C)

  2. Clean up the code and tables

This second one is so important for keeping up with new developments. PASRS currently uses thirty tabs on Google Sheets in order to crunch through data. PASRS 1.0 was released March 1, 2023 and it’s basically my first stab at doing anything in Google Sheets. With almost two years of experience under my belt, I think it’s important to fine tune this where I can.

Closing Comments

One final note before the link! Please contact me on Discord (Bauerdad) if you need help with PASRS. I don’t have Twitter on my phone anymore, so users who reach out to me there often wait more than a week to hear from me. Discord is the best way to reach me!

The support and kindness I’ve gotten from the community for this project have been something really special. I’m looking forward to continuing this project for everyone! Here’s the link for PASRS 6.0! Good luck, have fun!



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