Tournament Rulebook

Events Hosted by: 

SpearPillar | VGCTrainerSchool | Pokéfolk

1 Using This Rulebook

The Grand Grassroots Circuit Tournament Rulebook is intended to give a thorough and comprehensive overview of the rules and policies in place at Grand Grassroots Circuit VGC Pokémon events.

By entering or remaining at a Grand Grassroots Circuit event, all participants agree to adhere to the rules outlined in this rulebook. Those who do not may incur penalties and be removed from any tournament in which they are participating, and/or expulsion from ALL Grand Grassroots Circuit events.

1.1 Supporting Material

This Rulebook should be read in conjunction with the Grand Grassroots Circuit Standards of Conduct, Inclusion Policy, & Guide/FAQ.

2 Participation Fundamentals

2.1 Introduction

Everyone who participates in Grand Grassroots Circuit events, whether as a player, judge, or organizer should familiarize themselves with the information in this section. 

2.2 Limitless Account

All those who wish to participate in a Grand Grassroots Circuit tournament must have their own Limitless Account. It is quick and easy to generate an account through the Limitless Website

Players must use only a single Limitless Account. Using Multiple accounts or “Alting” is against the Grand Grassroots Circuit Standards of Conduct. We will not combine Grassroot Points (GP) between any accounts for these events.

2.3 Discord Account

All those who wish to participate in a Grand Grassroots Circuit tournament must have their own Discord Account. It is quick and easy to generate an account through the Discord Website.

This is how we will contact you to communicate the delivery of any prizes you may win during our events!

2.4 PayPal Account

All those who wish to participate in a Grand Grassroots Circuit tournament must have their own PayPal Account. This is how we collect entry/registration fees for events, as well as pay out prize pools for these events!

2.5 Participation Eligibility

The ability to participate in Grand Grassroots Circuit tournaments is open to all who have a limitless account, paypal account, and a Discord account. 

with the following exceptions.

• Those who have an active suspension/ban from any host organization of the Grand Grassroots Circuit.

• Tournament staff members, including the Organizer and Judges.

2.6 Grand Grassroots Circuit Standards of Conduct - Prohibitions

It is important that all participants are made to feel welcome and comfortable while participating in a Grand Grassroots Circuit event. In support of this, Grand Grassroots Circuit prohibits the following behaviors:

• Wagering or gambling on the results of a game, portion of a game, match, or number of


• Offering any form of compensation with intent to alter the result of a game, portion of a game,

match, or number of matches; bribery.

2.6.1 During Tournament Play

For players who are participating in a tournament, the following behaviors are also disallowed during matches in progress, unless explicit permission is given by event staff:

• Receiving information from an outside source regarding their match or the matches of others.

2.7 Role Definitions & Responsibilities

2.7.1 Players

A player is any active participant in a Grand Grassroots Circuit tournament. Players who drop or are eliminated from the tournament. Player Responsibilities

All players must:

• Present themselves for play in a timely manner, before the check-in timer expires. Players that are no-show will take a DGL (Double Game Loss) and will be dropped from the event, unless they reach out to a judge/organizer before the round where check-in was missed ends. Once the round progress, players can not be re-added after being dropped.

• Double-check their match record and standings as pairings are posted each round, and report

any discrepancies to the appropriate event staff immediately.

Players are also responsible for the provision of the following:

• A team that meets the format restrictions for the tournament.

• A legible and accurate list of the Pokémon, held items, levels, abilities and moves on a player’s team (team list).

2.7.2 Organizer

The Organizer of a tournament is the Host Organization that is hosting the Grand Grassroots Circuit event for which you are playing in. They are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the tournament is run according to the Grand Grassroots Circuit rules and procedures. Organizer Responsibilities

The Organizer is responsible for all aspects of tournament sanctioning and operation, including

arranging an appropriate venue, obtaining and distributing any prizes, reporting results, and staffing the event.

The Organizer is also required to notify players of the following information at an appropriate time:

• Tournament type (Swiss, Swiss plus single-elimination top cut, etc.)

• Tournament format (Standard, Expanded, etc.)

• Number of rounds

• Number of minutes per round

• Match format (Single Game or Best of Three)

• Top cut, if applicable

• Tournament staff, especially the Head Judge(s)

• Any breaks during the tournament

The tournament format and type should be announced far enough in advance of the tournament that players can prepare for the tournament before arriving.

The number of rounds, minutes per round, top cut, tournament staff, and breaks should be announced prior to the start of the first round.

2.7.3 Judge

Judges are expected to administer impartial rulings and assist the Organizer in running a fun, fast, and fair tournament. Grand Grassroots Circuit supports the rulings of its judges, where those rulings are made impartially and are in the best interests of the Spirit of the Game. Judge Responsibilities

All judges must:

• Be free from bias toward or against any player.

• Avoid judging a match where there may be a potential conflict of interest (e.g., matches

involving family, close friends, teammates, or business partners), where possible.

• Exemplify and encourage good sporting behavior.

3 Tournament Policy

Grand Grassroot Circuit tournaments should be open to all who meet the Participation Eligibility requirements set out by Grand Grassroot Circuit Rulebook, though the following exceptions may be made:

• Organizers may choose to completely disallow entry to any player they feel to be a threat to the safety or enjoyment of others, or whose presence has previously proven detrimental to the event for any other reason.

3.1 Entry Fees

Organizers will charge a fee to participate in tournaments.

  • The Entry fee for Regional Events is $10 USD for North American (SpearPillar) Hosted Events.

  • The Entry Fee for Regional Events is €10 EUR for European (VGCTrainerSchool) Hosted Events

  • The Entry Fee for Regional Events is $15 AUD for Oceania (Pokéfolk) Hosted Events

  • The Entry fee for International Events is $15 USD for North American (SpearPillar) Hosted Events.

  • The Entry fee for International Events is €15 EUR for European (VGCTrainerSchool) Hosted Events

  • The Entry Fee for International Events is $20 AUD for Oceania (Pokéfolk) Hosted Events

  • The Grand Grassroot Cup is a FREE event only for individuals/competitors who have received an invite during the circuit!


If you cannot participate in the event but have already paid & signed up, you can request a refund for 60% of the Entry fee, so long as you message your respective tournament organizer 24 Hours in advance of the event start time.*

3.2 Prizing

Regionals Entry Fee Breakdown: $10 Total

  • $6 goes to the prize pool of the event you just registered for.

  • $2 goes to the “Grand Grassroots Cup” Invitational Prize Pool

  • $2 goes to the Organizers/Staff

Internationals Entry Fee Breakdown: $15 Total

  • $8 goes to the prize pool of the event you just registered for.

  • $4 goes to the “Grand Grassroots Cup” Invitational Prize Pool

  • $3 goes to the Organizers/Staff

Total Prize Pool = 6 x Total Number of Participants



3.2.1 Prizing Distribution

3.2.2 Effects of Player Disqualification on Prize Distribution 

Players are ineligible to receive prizes from any Grand Grassroots Circuit event from which they have been disqualified. After any disqualified players are removed from standings, other players’ placements may adjust accordingly. This may mean that new players become eligible for prizes. Should an adjustment like this occur after any physical prizing has been awarded, those players with amended final standings will not receive further physical prizing, but will be eligible for any increase in Grassroot Points, that may be awarded after the tournament’s completion.

3.2.3 Unclaimed Prizes 

Prizing that remains unclaimed after the conclusion of a tournament for a total of 7 Days is considered forfeited by the player. Players should not expect that they will remain entitled to any prizes should they are not responding to receive. 

3.3 Grassroots Points

In addition to Prizing, Players will also receive Grassroot Points (GP) depending on their placement & total number of participants

Grassroot Points are Earned by playing in Regional & International Events. If a player obtains a total of 40 points throughout the course of the circuit season, they will receive an invite to the “Grand Grassroots Cup” invitational at the end of the season! You may participate in events hosted by either party (SpearPillar, VGCTrainerSchool, or Pokéfolk) as the points are shared between regions. Please do not alt as we will not be combining points between different accounts.

4 Tournament Format

4.1 VGC Format: Current Ruleset of VGC during the time of the Grand Grassroots Circuit Event which you are participating in. 

4.2 Battle Type: Double Battles

4.3 Rounds

The number of rounds is determined by the total number of participants from the start of the event.

Top Cut

Top Cut will be determined by total participants from the start of the event.

SAME DAY TOP CUT! (Single Elimination Bracket) 

5 Disconnects

We use a 2 part system to determine the game outcome of our Disconnects

Part 1: Error Code Identification

TAKE A SCREENSHOT IF YOU DISCONNECT. If you do not take a sc of your disconnect code, you will receive a game loss, even if you weren't the cause of the disconnect.

We must use these codes to verify whether the disconnects were “At Fault” or “Server Errors”

If deemed at fault, the player who caused the Disconnect will receive a Game Loss. 

Part 2: If the Disconnect was deemed “Server Error”, we then use the following chart to determine the outcome of the game

6 Rules Violations & Penalties 

6.1 Introduction 

Grand Grassroots Circuit protocols and procedures are intended to foster a spirit of friendly competition at all GGC tournaments. However, occasional situations arise, whether unintentionally or otherwise, in which attendees fail to abide by tournament rules or Standards of Conduct. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a player earning penalties. Penalties often constitute adjustments made to the circumstances of a player’s game in progress or next upcoming game to offset potential advantage gained or disruption caused through rules violations. Players may not refuse to abide by the conditions of a penalty that they or their opponents have earned. For example, if a Game Loss penalty is given to either player, players cannot concede the game to avoid the Game Loss penalty being applied. 

6.2 Types of Penalty 

Though the ways in which penalties may be earned differ upon whether it is the Trading Card Game or Video Game that is being played, the definitions and applications of these penalties remain the same regardless. The penalties below are presented in order of increasing severity, from a verbal warning (Caution) through to removal from the tournament (Disqualification). These are the only penalties that should be applied at Grand Grassroots Circuit tournaments—judges may not apply any penalty that is not listed below, nor can they modify those that are in any way. 

6.2.1 Caution (C) 

A Caution is a verbal note to the player that a rules violation has occurred. 

6.2.2 Warning (W) 

A Warning comprises both a verbal note to the player that a rule violation has occurred and a written record of that note. 

6.2.3 Game Loss (GL) 

Definition: The Game Loss penalty is generally used when a mistake has been made that has a severe impact on the game state, to the point where the game is irreparably broken and unable to continue. This penalty is also used for other major procedural errors or problems. 

Application: When issuing a Game Loss penalty during an active game, the game is recorded as a loss for the player receiving the penalty. In extreme cases where significant errors have been made by both players in a game, a Game Loss penalty may be issued to both players simultaneously. A single-game match terminated in this manner is not a tie; it is recorded as having no winner. If this penalty is issued between rounds, the penalty is applied to the player’s next game. 

6.2.4 Match Loss (ML) 

Definition: The Match Loss penalty may be used when one player’s Player Conduct infraction irreparably compromises the integrity of a match, rather than that of a single game. Such circumstances usually result in one player being unable to participate in the match any longer due to extreme discomfort as a result of their opponent’s behavior. 

Application: When issuing a Match Loss penalty during an active game, the game is recorded as a loss for the player receiving the penalty. If this penalty is issued between rounds, the penalty is applied to the player’s next match. 

6.2.5 Disqualification (DQ) 

Definition: Disqualification is the most serious penalty that can be issued at a tournament. Its use should be strictly reserved for the most extreme cases, where a player’s actions (whether intentional or unintentional) have significantly and negatively impacted the integrity or operation of the entire event. Players who receive this penalty are removed from the tournament and become ineligible to receive any prizes. 

Application (Swiss): If a player is disqualified during Swiss rounds while their match is still ongoing, that player should also receive a Match Loss for their current match that has yet to complete. The disqualification is then applied. If a player is disqualified during Swiss rounds while they are not participating in an ongoing match, the disqualification is applied immediately. Application (Single Elimination): During Single Elimination rounds, players receiving a Disqualification will also receive a Match Loss for their most recent Single Elimination match. If a player is disqualified while their Single Elimination match is still ongoing, the losses are applied to the current round. If a player is disqualified during Single Elimination rounds while they are not participating in an ongoing match, the losses are applied to the most recently completed round and the opponent from that match will advance, if eligible.

6.3 Penalty Categories 

6.3.1 Unsporting Conduct

Minor: Warning

Major: Match Loss 

Severe: Disqualification

Unsporting conduct infractions are caused when poor personal conduct on behalf of a tournament attendee results in a detraction from the experience of others.

Minor Unsporting Conduct is characterized by mild lapses in judgment that result in a

contained incidents, or the annoyance of a small group of attendees.

Examples may include:

• A player swears mildly in annoyance, or in conversation with a friend.

• A player disturbs a match in progress.

Major Unsporting Conduct is characterized by behavior that displays a lack of respect or

consideration for fair play, or for the enjoyment of others in attendance.

Examples may include:

• A player attempts to distract or intimidate their opponent into misplay.

• Unintentional violations of the Grand Grassroots Circuit Inclusion Policy that nonetheless causes distress to others.

• Refusal to cooperate with a tournament policy

• Attempting to view the opponent’s screen to gain an advantage (stream sniping).

Severe Unsporting Conduct demonstrates a blatant disregard for the Grand Grassroots Circuit Standards of Conduct, and actively contributes toward the disruption of a safe and family-friendly environment.

Examples may include:

• The use of profanity, slurs, physical threats, or insults toward any other attendee.

• Deliberate violations of the Grand Grassroots Circuit Inclusion Policy made with the intent to provoke or

cause distress to others.

• Wilfully lying to tournament staff, such as during an investigation.

• Bribery or coercion of other players.

• Determining the outcome of a match by random means or via other disallowed methods.

6.3.2 Cheating

Severe: Disqualification

• Using a game console with custom firmware (VG).

6.3.3 Gameplay Error 

Minor: Warning/Possible Game Loss 

Severe: Game Loss/Match Loss 

VG gameplay errors are infractions committed during a game in progress. These infractions are most often caused by a player improperly handling their game system (or other equipment) while playing a game. 

Minor Gameplay Errors have a brief, reversible effect on the proper progression of a game. Examples include:

• Delaying the beginning of a match due to needing to source a charger.

Severe Gameplay Errors usually lead to the irretrievable loss of a game in progress. Examples include: 

• Removal of a Game Card mid-game or a loss of power to the game system. If an intentional disconnect occurs, the responsible player will receive a match loss. 

6.3.4 Team Legality 

Minor: Warning/Game Loss 

Major: Game Loss/Match Loss 

Severe: Disqualification 

Infractions that fall under the Team Legality category include all problems found with a player’s Battle Team. Such problems are usually caused due to a discrepancy between the Pokémon or held items in the Battle Team and those detailed on the team list. In all cases, the contents of the team list always take priority over the contents of the Battle Team. Any discrepancy between the two should therefore always be rectified by modifying the Battle Team to remove the offending Pokémon or held items from play. Afterward, if the Pokémon or held items described on the team list are immediately available, the player should then be given the opportunity to add the correct ones to their team. If the player is not able to comply, the slots previously occupied by the offending Pokémon or held items should remain vacant. If this results in a player having fewer than four usable Pokémon remaining in their Battle Team, the infraction should be escalated. 

Minor Team Errors are discrepancies that are between the Pokémon or held items in a player’s Battle Team and those on the team list and that do not give the player a potential advantage. Examples include:

• The Battle Team contains West Sea Gastrodon, but the team list lists “East Sea Gastrodon.” 

• A genderless Pokémon is listed as male or female on the team list. 

• A Pokémon is listed without accurate form information, but other information on the team list makes it apparent which form is being used. 

o Example #1: The Battle Team contains Heat Rotom, but the team list lists simply “Rotom” but with the form-exclusive move Overheat on its move set. 

o Example #2: The Battle Team contains Therian Forme Landorus, but the team list lists simply “Landorus” but with the form-exclusive Ability Intimidate. 

Major Team Errors are discrepancies that are between the Pokémon or held items in a player’s Battle Team and those on the team list and that do give the player a potential advantage. Examples include: 

• A Pokémon that can be either gender is male in the Battle Team but is listed as female on the team list (or vice versa). 

• A Pokémon in the Battle Team knows the move Thunder Wave, but that move is listed as “Thunder” on the team list. 

• A Pokémon’s stat is not listed (or is listed incorrectly) on the team list. 

• A Pokémon is listed without accurate form information, and no other information on the team list makes it apparent which form is being used. 

o Example #1: The Battle Team contains Wash Rotom, but only “Rotom” is listed on the team list, and the event staff cannot determine the correct form by looking at the move set. 

o Example #2: The Battle Team contains Therian Forme Landorus, but only “Landorus” is listed on the team list, and the Ability field on the team list has been left blank or lists “Sheer Force.”

Severe Team Errors occur when either official tools indicate that a Pokémon has been illegally manipulated 

Examples include: 

• Any indication that the player is using hackmons (Pokemon using moves they cannot normally learn, etc.)

6.4 Disciplinary Action 

Grand Grassroots Circuit reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any player for rules infractions. The disciplinary action is determined by severity and occurrence. Such action may include a suspension from the program. In these cases, the players will be notified, and their usernames will be made available to Organizers. A suspended player should not participate in Grand Grassroot Circuit Events. If a suspended player disrupts an event by trying to participate and refusing to leave, an extension to the existing suspension may then be applied.

Grand Grassroots Circuit Resources Page

Devoncorp Page (Official Website of Grand Grassroots Circuit):

North American Events Discord Server:

SpearPIllar Twitter: 

European Events Discord Server: 

VGCTrainerSchool Twitter: 

Limitless Page: 

Oceania Events Discord Server: 

Pokéfolk Twitter:

Limitless Page: 

Staff Links:

SirSmoke (SpearPillar Host):

AoxVGC (VGCTrainerSchool Host):

LordKai_(PokéFolk Host):

Ryan (Devoncorp):


Circuit Guide/FAQ


Inclusion Policy