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Standards of Conduct

1 Introduction

As a game of skill, Pokémon is enjoyed for its complex strategies, entertaining characters, and atmosphere of friendly competition. To ensure that this atmosphere is maintained, Grand Grassroots Circuit has developed the following Standards of Conduct for all who participate in the Grand Grassroots Circuit, whether as a player, Judge.

It is the responsibility of all Grand Grassroots Circuit  players to familiarize themselves with these Standards, and to promote and always exemplify them during their participation.

2 The Spirit of the Game

While one objective of a Pokémon tournament is to determine the skill level of each player involved, another is to ensure that every participant has fun. It is this attitude that the Grand Grassroots Circuit wishes to promote at GGC tournaments.

Adherence to the Spirit of the Game helps to ensure that all participants, including players, and event staff, can enjoy and participate in each Grand Grassroots Circuit tournament to the fullest.

The Spirit of the Game should guide the conduct of players, as well as Pokémon Judges as they interpret and enforce the rules. Tenets of the Spirit of the Game

2.1 Fun

As a game, Pokémon is meant to be fun for all parties involved. When a game ceases to be fun, players find other things to do. By contributing to a safe, friendly atmosphere, participants can be instrumental

in helping those around them enjoy their experience.

  • Players should refrain from causing unnecessary delays to games or engaging in behavior that may negatively impact the experience of those around them.

2.2 Fairness

Players should act with fairness and honesty during every game. Above all, a player should prefer to lose a game than to win by cheating.

  • Should players realize that a mistake has been made during gameplay, they should make their opponent or a judge aware immediately.

  • Players should not attempt to use tournament rules or policy to gain an advantage rather than to ensure fair gameplay.

2.3 Respect

Players should act with empathy and grace and remember to treat those around them as they would expect to be treated themselves.

  • Players should be cordial and polite both before and after each match. 

  • Players should take care that their personal feelings about gameplay actions or game results do not influence the way they treat their opponent.

  • Players are to avoid deadnaming or misgendering their opponents & other competitors.

2.4 Community

Players should recognize that by attending a Grand Grassroots Circuit tournament, they are participating in an inclusive environment comprising players of all levels of skill and experience. Their actions should

contribute to the perpetuation of this environment, and therefore to the growth of the community.

  • Newer, less experienced players should be welcomed and supported.

  • Discussing strategies, offering tips, or constructively critiquing gameplay decisions after the match has been completed is encouraged.

  • Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated at Grand Grassroots Circuit events.

3 Community Conduct

This section applies to behavior at all Grand Grassroots Circuit events, as well as to external issues that may come to light which cast doubt on the suitability of an individual to remain a member of Grand Grassroots Circuit

Grand Grassroots Circuit does not and will not actively monitor any player’s activity on or in any platform or environment outside any Grand Grassroots Circuit Host Organizations.

However, any complaint put forward concerning a  player’s conduct outside these boundaries may be assessed for disciplinary action if it poses a threat to Grand Grassroots Circuit’s values, or if it could impair

the ability of a reasonable individual to enjoy and participate fully in the .

For example, it is fair to believe that a reasonable individual would feel uncomfortable participating in a

tournament alongside someone who is associated with any of the below behaviors.

3.1 Illegal Activity

Players should not promote or engage in any illegal activity, or otherwise make available content that would encourage or provide instructions for any illegal activity to others.

Examples include:

  • Engaging in or glorifying drug use, sexual assault/misconduct, solicitation of a minor, or information theft.

  • Impersonating a GGC Staff

Players witnessing such activity in progress during an event should notify GGC staff IMMEDIATELY!

3.2 Harassment & Bullying

Players should not harass, bully, threaten, abuse, or cause distress for another, including (but not limited to) fellow players of Grand Grassroots Circuit.

Examples include:

  • Use of language, messages, symbols, images, illustrations, or links that discriminate based on attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or economic means.

  • Use of any language, symbols, or images that would otherwise violate the Grand Grassroots Circuit Inclusion Policy.

  • Harassment of a specific person, such as through personal attacks, repeated and unwanted contact, threats of “doxing,” or actual disclosure of any personal or private information of another without their explicit consent.

  • Threats or images of violence, harm, or retaliation.

  • “Trolling” or baiting the community with inflammatory statements, especially when designed to incite hatred or unrest.

  • In addition to the above, participants should exercise good judgment when choosing when and where to discuss controversial topics and should be aware that jokes between friends are quickly decontextualized within a diverse, multicultural environment.

For more information regarding the commitment of the Grand Grassroots Circuit toward a diverse and nondiscriminatory community, please refer to the Grand Grassroots Circuit Inclusion Policy.

3.3 Gross Infringement of Community Standards

Players should not engage in other activities that may reasonably detract from another’s ability to enjoy their experience within a Grand Grassroots Circuit to the fullest.

Examples include:

  • Distribution or use of obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or graphically or gratuitously violent content.

  • Predatory trading—that is, targeting and/or pressuring younger or inexperienced players for trades in your favor.

  • Distribution of, promotion of, or engagement in the modification of video game software, or “hacking.”

  • Deception, defrauding, or engagement of a fellow  player under false pretenses.

4 Judge & Organizer Conduct

Judges are held to higher standards of conduct than other  players.

It is important that the Judge Core Values are respected throughout the duration of the Judge’s association with Grand Grassroots Circuit.

4.1 The Judges Core Values

4.1.1 Honesty

It is critical to the integrity of the Judge  that its players have a reputation of honesty and trustworthiness. If players cannot trust a Judge to be honest, they cannot trust that Judge's rulings to be accurate or their events to be fair.

In addition, The Grand Grassroots Circuit may occasionally contact Judges to assist in player or  investigations. If a Judge has been known to be dishonest, the integrity of the investigation may be jeopardized.

4.1.2 Integrity

A Judge should be fair and unbiased, whether judging a tournament or resolving a dispute. Personal feelings can potentially cloud a judgment call—a Judge must not take these feelings into consideration when resolving an issue between players, parents,  staff, or .

4.1.3 Responsibility

Judges are trusted with a great deal of responsibility. For example, as a judge, a Judge is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of rulings to the best of their ability.

They must take all possible measures to ensure they are up to date with the latest developments regarding Grand Grassroots Circuit rules.

As an Organizer, a judge must ensure that all event reporting is done in an accurate and timely manner, and that all event prizes and participation rewards are handed out according to the event guidelines.

Posts and comments that discuss non-hypothetical rulings and penalties must be made responsibly and must avoid conclusory statements.

4.1.4 Professionalism

Judges should act professionally while actively engaging in Pokémon activities. For example, foul language is unacceptable, and all event attendees should be addressed courteously, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical or mental capacity.

Judges should also take care to avoid public discussion of sensitive rulings or exchanges at events that could cause embarrassment or emotional distress to the parties involved. 

When discussing rulings in general, care should be taken to ensure that those involved remain anonymous.

Finally, posts and comments that publicly criticize a ruling made by a fellow Judge very rarely help matters and are often made in ignorance of the context in which the ruling was made. 

Disagreements between Judges should be resolved privately and professionally.

4.1.5 Confidentiality

While assisting at a Grand Grassroots Circuit event, Judges may be trusted with information that is not public knowledge. Posts or comments that reveal this information before Grand Grassroots Circuit has decided

to make it public constitutes a breach of confidentiality and may warrant disciplinary action.

5 Disciplinary Action

Eligibility to participate in Grand Grassroots Circuit s is a privilege, not a right. Continued access to this privilege is dependent on a player’s ability to act within the best interests of the friendly, welcoming, and inclusive environment that Grand Grassroots Circuit strives to promote. 

The Grand Grassroots Circuit may decide to pursue disciplinary action against any individual whose behavior conflicts with these values.

5.1 Rescindment of Event Invitations

Grand Grassroots Circuit may withdraw a solicited Judge’s or Player’s invitation to an event in situations where it is determined that the Judge’s or Player’s continued eligibility to participate as volunteer staff at such an event could send the wrong message to other  players. An invitation may be withdrawn because of, or in place of, disciplinary action.

6 Grand Grassroots Circuit Suspension

Those suspended from Grand Grassroots Circuit in its entirety are not permitted to participate in or attend any Grand Grassroots Circuit events as a player, judge, or in any other capacity.

If a suspended player disrupts an event by trying to participate, the incident should

be reported to a GGC Staff member. An extension to the existing suspension may then be applied.

Occasionally, a player may be issued a lifetime suspension without possibility of appeal. This sanction is received when a player irreparably damages Grand Grassroots Circuit’s perception of that

player’s ability to return to a status of good standing.

6.1 Rescindment of Awards

In exceptional circumstances, a player affected by disciplinary action may become ineligible to participate in Grand Grassroots Circuit events for which they hold invitations or awards for travel—for example, if a player’s suspension extends through the date on which the event will take place. 

The player forfeits all invitations and/or awards for travel to events that fall within the period for which they are suspended, although Grand Grassroots Circuit may not attempt to reverse any fulfillment of the above that has occurred prior to the disciplinary action.

6.2 Appeals Process

Unless they have received a lifetime suspension from participation in Grand Grassroots Circuit, an individual has the right to appeal their disciplinary action by directly messaging an organizer once eligible (after a ban, you will either be given a lifetime ban or a date on which you may appeal it). 

The appeal will be forwarded to Grand Grassroots Circuit for consideration.

After submitting an appeal, a suspended/banned member must continue to adhere to the conditions of that suspension until they receive notification that their appeal has been successful.

6.2.1 Required Elements for Appeal

The following information must be included in the appeal:

  • Player name & IGN 

  • Reason for Ban 

  • Length of Ban

The main body of an individual’s appeal may not exceed 1,000 words. Supporting documentation (e.g., screenshots, and statements from others) may be added as attachments and do not contribute toward this limit.

In total this document should not exceed 1,500 words.